Wednesday, May 11, 2016

#2 Fourth Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / United Nations / Grade 7

Overall Objective: Students will do basic reading about an international organization. They will identify the name and function of the United Nations.

Language Objective: Students will be able to answer the comprehension questions  using new vocabulary (headquarter, environment,  prevent, contribution, famine, disaster, irreplaceable, campaign, pandemic influenza, maintain, promote, aid, voluntary, eradicate, defend, malnutrition, treasure, generation, campaign) .

Civic Education Objective: Students will be able to express their knowledge and write  several sentences about the  international organisation UN.

Curriculum Connection: Language and cultural skills developed during the lesson are outlined in the Georgian English Language Curriculum.

Class Context and Needs: Elementary classroom, basic level learners. 7 graders; Level A2. There are 14 students in the class. There are not any disabled students or students with special needs.

Materials: Text, handouts, chalk, board, laptop, pictures, slideshow.

Activities: Warm up, brainstorming, reading, speaking, putting and answering the questions, writing.

Assessment: Writing. Answering the questions.

Overall Objective: Students will do basic reading about an international organization. They will identify the name and function of the United Nations.

Language Objective: Students will be able to sort and explain the meaning of the new vocabulary ( prevent, contribution, famine, disaster,maintain, promote, aid, voluntary, eradicate, defend, malnutrition, treasure, generation, campaign).

Civic Objective: Students will be able to express their knowledge and write  several sentences about the  international organisation UN
Stage of Lesson
Warm Up

  1. Put some questions.( What is the United Nations? Why it was created?)   Let students  share their ideas.
  2. Teacher  shows students pictures and tells them short history of the United Nations.
5 min
Activity 1

Handout 1.
Reading the text aloud.
Discussing the words.
10 min
Activity 2

Handout 2.
Matching activity.
Let students guess the names of the programmes, organizations and funds of the UN.
7-10 min
Activity 3

Handout 3.
Reading and analyzing. What function each programme, fund or organization has ?
5 min


Handout 4.
Students will answer the questions and explain their answers using new vocabulary.
15 min

Short History of the United Nations.

In 1945, nations were in ruins. World war II was over and the world wanted peace.
51 countries gathered in San Francisco that year to sign a document.
The document was a Charter, creating a new organization, the United Nations.
70 years later, the United Nations is maintaining international peace and security.
It is promoting  development and giving humanitarian assistance to those in need.
It is upholding international law, protecting human rights and promoting democracy.
And now, its Member States are working together to fight climate change.
The UN is helping  build the  better world its founders envisioned 70 years ago.

Handout 1

The United Nations (UN)  is an international organization, containing nearly every country in the world. Only independent states may become members of the UN. It was created  on 24 October 1945 after World War II  in order to prevent another such conflict. At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; there are now 193. The headquarters of the United Nations is in  Manhattan, New York City.

The organization is financed by voluntary contributions from its member states. Its  goals  include maintaining  international peace and security, promoting human rights,  social and economic development,  protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
 The UN's Chief Administrative Officer is the Secretary-General.
In  2015 they celebrated  the 70th anniversary of the United Nations.
New vocabulary:
Prevent  - ხელის შეშლა; აცილება
Headquarter  -  შტაბი; მთავარი სამმართველო
Voluntary  -  ნებაყოფლობითი მოქმედება
Contribution  -  შესაწირი
Maintain -   შენარჩუნება
Promote  - ხელშეწყობა, წინ წაწევა
Environment -  გარემო
Aid - დახმარება, შველა
Famine  -  შიმშილი, შიმშილობა

Disaster  -  უბედურება,   კატასტროფა

WHO        ______________________________________________________

UNESCO  ______________________________________________________

UNODC    ______________________________________________________

WFP         ______________________________________________________

UNICEF    ______________________________________________________

Handout  3


The United Nations Children's Fund provides long-term humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers.


The World Food Programme aims to eradicate hunger and malnutrition.  It is the world’s largest humanitarian agency. Every year, the programme feeds almost 80 million people in around 75 countries.


The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – UNODC helps Member States fight drugs, crime, and terrorism.


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization focuses on everything from teacher training to helping improve education worldwide to protecting important historical and cultural sites around the world. UNESCO added 28 new World Heritage Sites this year to the list of irreplaceable treasures that will be protected for today's travelers and future generations.


The World Health Organization  is responsible for global vaccination campaigns, responding to public health emergencies, defending against pandemic influenza, and leading the way for eradication campaigns against life-threatening diseases like polio and malaria.
Eradicate –  აღმოფხვრაEradication  -  ამოძირკვა
Malnutrition  -  კვების ნაკლებობა, ულუკმაპურობა
Irreplaceable -  შეუცვლელი
Treasure  -  საგანძური
Generation  -  თაობა
Defend - თავდაცვა
Pandemic influenza - პანდემიური გრიპი

Campaign  -  კამპანია

Handout 4

Answer  the  following  questions  using  new  vocabulary:

What is the United Nations?

Where is the United Nations located?

When was the United Nations created?

How can we help the United Nations?


Good use of vocabulary. Answers include almost all new vocabulary.

4-5 words.
Adequate use of vocabulary. Answers include some new vocabulary.

2-3  words.
Poor use of vocabulary. Answers do not include new vocabulary.

1-0  words.
Most sentences are correct, that makes comprehension easy.

4  sentences
Not every sentence is correct, that makes comprehension  available.
3  sentences
Few sentences are correct, that makes comprehension difficult.
1-2  sentences.
Task completion
Task was completed very well. All the questions were answered and  explained. 

Task was completed,but could be better. Questions  were answered , but not explained clearly.

Task was not completed up to the end.  Information and explanation were missing.


Evaluate this material

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