Environment protection.
Students will be able to make a poster.
Students will be able to identify vocabulary about environment protection:
pollution, environment, waste, garbage, trash…
Civic Objectives: SWBAT discuss the issue of water, land and air pollution and make a
poster on what they can do to help the Earth.
Procedures and teacher’s language
Teacher’s notes/Aim of the activity
1. |
Students are divided into 5 groups. Teacher hands in some pictures.
Students work in groups to decide how they can sort them: plastic, glass,
paper, clothes, food, metal.
The warm up activity is done to introduce the topic
and to get all the students involved. This task will give students an
opportunity to work in groups and practice speaking to understand how people
in some countries sort trash for further recycling.
Pair work/ Teacher-Class
5 minutes
New words: environment, soil, poison, pollution, oxygen, to cause, to avoid,
wastes, various, harmful, substances, sewage, to destroy, harmful, rubbish, to
reduce, trash, garbage.
The aim of
this activity is to introduce active vocabulary for the students to use in speech
while talking about the topic.
A poster with the new words.
3. |
10 minutes
Power Point Presentation about pollution.
Students learn about 3 main types of pollution
(water, land and air pollution), main causes and some ideas about how to prevent
Power Point on pollution (Students get text 1 from the Power Point )
4. |
10 minutes
Teacher asks the Students what ideas they have for
preventing pollution. They get texts about how we can help the Earth. They
take turns to read and learn about the rule of 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
This activity will develop the students’ reading
skills. They will get acquainted with the rule of 3 Rs.
Individual work
Text 2 (It is also seen on the screen)
5. |
10 minutes
Students work in groups to make posters. Michael Jackson’s “Earth
Song” can be heard and watched on the screen. Students get the following
slogans and some previously prepared pictures:
Students work in groups to make posters. This is a
matching activity with previously made pictures and sentences. Students get a
chance to think about how they can help.
Group work
Large chart paper for posters, markers, glue, pictures, sentences.
5 minutes
Students present their posters.
This is the students’ presentation to check their
Students’ own posters
2 minutes
Rubrics for poster assessment.
Warm up activity (Pictures are cut and given to students to
sort. They work in groups to decide how to sort them.)

Your recycling mission is not impossible! In fact, it is very simple:
Don't throw away anything that can be recycled!
Here is a list of things you may be able to recycle

Evaluate this material

Text about waste management
What do you know about global
warming? We often speak about extreme weather like hurricanes, tornadoes,
droughts, floods… and discuss some possible reasons that cause them. We spoke
about poor African countries and we all understand that clean water is as much a
human right as voting in an election. But people still cut down forests,
pollute the environment, use natural resources without economy. Let us see a
small presentation about environment pollution and after that we will speak
about some strategic plans we can do to save our planet.
What exactly is
Waste is anything we
throw away or get rid of, that doesn’t get used.
How can you help?
You can help by learning about and practicing
the three R's of waste management: Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Reduce/Reduction: to
make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste.
• First and foremost, buy and use
less! Buy only what you need and use all of what you buy. Or when you don’t
need something, pass it to other people who can continue using it.
• Start making wise
"package" selections. Plastic is a material that is difficult to
recycle. So when you buy something make sure it comes only in one package or
• If you drink from plastic bottles
you won’t help the planet. Drink juice from a glass bottle.
• A homemade sandwich is better for
you and for the environment.
• Start a garden. Food that you grow
yourself does not have to be "processed" or "packaged", and
no fossil fuels are needed to get it to the shop and then to your house.
• Start
a compost to transform your household garbage (food wastes, coffee grounds,
etc.), into a rich earth-like material that can be added to a garden to help
plants grow. Grass, leaves, paper, and some other types of food can naturally turn into compost.
• If you have a bath
you will use about 90 litres of water but only 30 litres when you have a

Your recycling mission is not impossible! In fact, it is very simple:
Don't throw away anything that can be recycled!
Here is a list of things you may be able to recycle
- Aluminum
- Cardboard
- Electronic
- Glass (particularly bottles and jars)
- Magazines
- Metal
- Newspaper
- Paper
- Plastic
- Plastic
- Steel
- Writing/Copy Paper
- Yard Waste (leaves, grass)

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