Summer Institute 2012

Building links for the future: the summer institute of the English Language through Civic Education program, focusing on fostering participant teacher-training skills and building cross-Georgian regional links.

See all supplementary materials on ELCE Summer Institute 2012 - Ureki here


Technology and Websites:

Summer Institute Presentations:

Building links for the future: the summer institute of the English Language through Civic Education program, focusing on fostering participant teacher-training skills and building cross-Georgian regional links.

Deadline for Powerpoints, Handouts and Photos 

Each participant is requested to send her/his photo to by June 14.

The 2013 Summer Institute will be working from one master computer. ALL Powerpoints, handouts and electronic material to by June 14.

Summer Institute Application 2013

Deadline for applications: April 30, 2013 (April 20 Kutaisi)

Deadline for Powerpoint Submissions, June 1:

All Powerpoint and online handouts submission to by JUNE 14, 2013

Egg Drop


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