General objectives:
By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to gain cultural knowledge
and therefore will be able to speak about two national symbols,Kartlis Deda
and the Statue of Liberty.
objective: Ss will learn new
vocabulary (15 words connected to the text), they will comprehened the text
and will be able to have writing and oral practice about this topic,they will
be able to answer the questions about national symbols.
objective: Ss will be able to make some diffences and similarities between
Kartlis Deda and Staue of Liberty,they will learn their national and cultural
Step 1:
T devides the
Ss in pairs and gives them different pictures of Georgian and Anerican
symbols (each pair has only one picure),then she asks to think about this
pictures and name what countryand
symbols do the pictures represent.T ask to each group individually.( Ssname
only country and symbols’name)
T Elicts what
the topic of the lesson is and writes the word ,,NATIONAL SYMBOLS’’ on the
board,then she expands the previous topic and asks Ss to talk about given
pictuers and asks: ,,what do the symbols represent? Ss raise hand in case if
they know.
Step 1:
T gives out
split papers written with new words and asks Ss to match English words with
Georgian definitions,after T shows Ss poster with correcst answers and this
waynchecks Ss work.
Step 2:
T gives out
two different text about Satue of Liberty and Kartlis Deda and asks Ss to read
carefully and fill the gaps with new words,then asks Ss to read out the words
in order.
Step 3:
T distributes
handouts of venn diagram and asks Ss to write similarities and differences
between two national symbols.( Ss work
in pairs)
Step 1:
T asks Ss to
present what they did and talk about similarities and differences between
Kartlis Deda and Statue of Liberty.(Ss raise hands and represent their job).
Step 2:
T asks about
some important questions about the topic:when was it constructed? How it was
constructed? Why was the structure built? What is its size? Who is architect
and designer? Where it is located? What is its physical characteristics? What
about some other important facts?
asks Ss to write a paragraph about symbols,its cultural and historical
meaning for country.

Matching the words
Situated მდებარეობა
Expantion გაფართოება
Beam სხივი
Core გული
Erected აღმართული
Celebrated ზეიმობა
Anniversary წლისთავი
Hospitality სტუმართმოყვარეობა
Represent წარმოდგენა
Commemorate წლისთავის ზეიმობა
Friendship მეგობრობა
Torch ჩირაღდანი
Copper სპილენძი
Pedestal საფუძველი
vital სასიცოცხლო
Statue of Liberty
The Statue
of Liberty,officially named Liberty Enlightening the World, is a monument
symbolizing the United States.The statue is placed near the entrance to New
York City harbor.
The statue
1) the signing of the United States Declaration
of independence. It was given to the United States by the people of France,to
represent the 2) between the two countries established during
the American Revolution. It represents woman wearing a stola, a crown and
sandals,trampling a broken chain,and with a 3) in her raised right hand and a tabula ansata,
where the date of the Declaration of Indepedence. The statue is on Liberty
Island in New York Harbor,and welcomes visitors,immigrants,and returning
Americans traveling by ship.
Auguste Bartholdi sculpted the statue and he obtained an U.S. patent for the
structure. Maurice Koechlin,who was chief engineer of Gustava Eiffel’s
engineering company and designer of the Eiffel Tower, designed the internal
structure. The pedestal was designed by the architect Richard Morris Hunt. Eugene
Violet-le-Due chose 4) in the construction of the statue.
The statue
is made of a covering of pure copper,left to weather to a natural blue-green
patina. It has a framework of steel.The exception is the flame of the
torch,which is coated in gold leaf. It is rectangular stonework 5) with a foundation in the shape of an irregular
eleven-pointed star. The statue is 151 ft(46) tall,but with the pedestal and foundation, it is 305 ft (93m)
The Statue
if Liberty is one of the most
recognizable symbol in the world. For many years it was one of the first glanced of the United
States for millions of immigrants and visitors after ocean voyages from around
the world.
The Statu is
the central part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, administered by
the National Park Service. The National Monument also includes Ellis Island.
A. Torch B. pedestal C. commemorate D. copper E. friendship
Kartlis Deda
Kartlis Deda
is1) strategically important crossroad where Europe
meets Asia.
So when I
arrived and a taxi picked me up from Tbilisi airport and drove me to the city
centre,I started out of the window and noticed the obvious requirement for
2) .Obvious because
much of the city is a building site and you don’t built for any reason.They
build skywards and into the rock.Terracota houses perch over Tbilisi like the
mansion and spiraling roads of the Hollywood hills.
3) replace traditional scaffolding.The washed
tome and marbled museums and houses in Tbilisi are contrast to the surrounding
villages where you witness real poverty.
The striking
backdrops to Tbilisi are rolling hills and can hear soft south
flow of the Mtkvari River. Today the river splits through the city 4) .Taxi are everywhere,a sign of
ot hope,the expectation for visitors and weary tourists requiring transport.
As a summit
I reahed Kartkis Deda,designed by sculptor and Tbilisi native,Elguja Amashukeli
and 5) on the top of
Sololaki hill in 1958,the year Tbilisi 6) its 1500-th 7) .
20-meter-tall aluminium statue,wearing Georgian national dress and holding a
cup of wine in one hand and sword in the other has been called the monumental
,,Morher of Georgia ‘’.She symbolizes the Georgian national character:winestands
for 8) and the sword 9)
every Georgians love of freedom.
Kartlis Deda
stands all the way up there,upon the hill and over-looking her capital.She is
silent,a shining tall construction watching over Tbilisi. She is perhaps the
most important woman in all of Georgia: its protector and a standing definition
to other of what Georgia is,has been and will be,she is10) to the Georgian spirit. She is powerful and
necessary, she is beautiful, she is Georgia’s most famous and most recognized
A.Hospitality B. expention C. erected
D. vital E. situated F. represent G. core
H. anniversary I. beam J. celebrated
When was
it constructed?
How was
it constructed?
of Liberty
Bartholdi began prior to 1876. Am. People were responsible for the pedestal
and the French people were responsible for the statue; completed 1886
Deda was constructed in 1958.
Made of
Height: Ground to torch 305 ft (93 meters)tall;
base: 62 ft (19m.) square
meters (65 ft) tall
Island near harbor of New York City
on Soloaki Hill near Narikala Fortress in Tbilisi, Georgia
& designer
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
issues: Alexandre Gustav Eiffel was
commission to design the iron pylon
and skeletal framework for the copper statue
sculptor Elguja Amashukeli designed the statue of a Georgian woman in
Georgian National dress.
of Roman Libertas Goddess of Freedom; holds torch in one hand; tablet of
laws-inscribed, July 4,1776;broken chain at feet; made of copper
Made of
aluminum; holds a bowl of wine in her left hand to greet those who come as
friends; sword in right hand for those who come as enemies
important facts:
million visitors in 2009. Statue was shipped in 350 pieces and re-assembled
on the pedestal in 4 months. She was a centennial gift 10 years late.
Why was
the structure built?
Built in
combined efforts of French and American people to commemorate 100th
anniversary of Am. Independence
was built to commemorate the 1500 year anniversary of the city of
Tbilisi. The statue is considered a
symbol of the Georgian national character.
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