Thursday, November 19, 2015

#6 Second Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / Heroes / Grade 6-7

#6 Second Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / Volunteerism and Environmental protection / Grade 6-7

Lesson Topic: Volunteerism and Environmental protection

Overall Objective:  SWBA to develop awareness of volunteerism and practice pre-reading, while reading and post-reading activities, they will discuss existing problems at schools and their solutions

Language Objective: SWBA to use first conditional and also lots of environmental vocabulary

Civic Education Objective: SWBA  to think of the ideas how to make their school “greener” and  they will make posters .

Materials: handouts, pictures 

Stage of Lesson
Teacher activity
Student activity
Warm up –Find someone who…..
Teacher distributes handouts1 and asks students to walk in class, ask the questions that are on the handouts and find someone who….goes to school by car , turns off the tap when he is brushing the teeth, always uses both sides of a piece of paper, always switches the lights off when leaving the room, uses low-energy light bulbs. T reminds Ss to start a question with : Do you ……
In the end  teacher elicits the answers and summarizes them.
Ss walk in class, ask questions to one another and find a person who does the actions that are given on the handouts. They mark the names of these students and then tell the teacher who and  how many of them do these actions.
Ss discuss which of these actions are good to do .
5 min
Handouts 1
Activity 1/
introducing vocabulary
Teacher distributes handouts 2  and asks students to match the words to make up the phrases or collocations, such as global warming, set an example, recycle the paper, save trees (water, electricity), waste water and electricity, switch lights off, turn the tap off, make school “greener”. Then she hands out the pictures (handouts 3) and asks them to match them with these collocations.  Finally she shows the same phrases on the poster with Georgian translation and asks them to check if they were right.
Firstly Ss match the parts of the collocations and make up these ones, after that they match these collocations with the pictures. Finally they check by using the answers on the poster
5 min
Handouts 2
Handouts 3
The poster  of correct answers
Activity 2
revising conditional1
Teacher distributes handouts 4 and asks them to match the halves of the sentences so that they could receive correct conditional 1 sentences. She reminds them the rules of conditional 1- when to use present simple and when- future simple.
Ss have just learned conditional 1. They know the rules. So they match the halves and make up the sentences using the conditional 1 rules
5 min
Handouts 4
Activity 3
While reading
Teacher distributes handouts 5 and asks to read the text silently paying attention to the ideas that students have about making school greener  in the text and also to underline conditional sentences
Ss read the text and underline the conditional sentences, also the ideas that are given in the text
10 min
Handouts 5
Activity 4
Teacher checks students’ understanding with the help of comprehension questions, like  What problem is William speaking about?   What’s William’s idea?
What problem is Marie speaking about?
What is her idea?
What problem  is Jack speaking about and what is her suggestion?
T elicits the answers and in the end she asks if they have other similar ideas for making their school green, she brainstorms all the ideas on the board. then she asks Ss to read out conditional 1 sentences
 Students answer teacher’s questions and then  discuss what they can do  to make their school green. They use expressions like let’s…., what about….
Possible ideas: let’s clean schoolyard
Let’s plant lots of plants and trees
What about putting up the posters on the walls to remind students not to pollute school.
What about putting up posters reminding us not to damage our desks and chairs
Let’s have school clean-up day
Let’s put our rubbish in separate bins
Let’s clean the school
Let’s clean our classroom
5-7 min

Finally students make posters. Teacher asks Ss to work in groups . Then she distributes flip charts to two groups, asks to use handouts 3 (pictures), she also distributes extra pictures and asks students to think of the ideas that go with the pictures, then  make posters using these pictures ,label them with slogans (conditional sentences and  ideas that were discussed at the lesson). T also hands out two boxes to one group and asks them to make one  box for recycling paper and another for the paper that can be used again.
Students think of the title of their poster, then glue  the pictures and label them with the phrases or slogans that were used in the previous activities .
The third group make two boxes, they use their imagination, decorate the boxes with reduce, reuse and recycle slogans and pictures . Finally each group presents its work, posters and boxes.
Pictures, flipcharts, boxes, coloured pencils, glue

Handout 1

Find someone who….
                               Goes to school by car

Find someone who…..
                                  Turns off the tap when he/she is brushing his/her  teeth

Find someone who….
                                 Always uses both sides of a piece of paper

Find someone who…..
                                Always switches the lights off when he leaves the room

Find someone who….
                                 Uses low-energy light bulbs in the house

Handout 2

match these words to make up collocations

Global                             warming
Set                                  an example
Recycle                           the paper
Save                                trees, water, electricity
Waste                              trees, water, electricity
Turn                                the tap on/off
Switch                             the lights on/off
Make                               school “green”

Handout 3

Match these pictures with the  collocations  on Handouts 2



Handout 4

 Match the halves of the conditional sentences

     1.      If we plant lots of flowers and trees,
we will make our school beautiful and have fresh air.
     2.      If we go to school by car, 
we will pollute the air.
     3.       If we don’t throw paper away and recycle it,
we will save lots of trees.
     4.     We will save electricity
if we switch off the lights.
     5.     We will waste water
if we turn the tap off.
     6.     We won’t save trees
if we damage our desks in the classroom.

Handout 5

Read the text silently. Pay attention to the ideas that students have and underline the conditional 1

Make school “greener”

Teacher:  this week we’ve looked at global warming- a really big problem for the planet in the future.                         We think it’s very important for schools to set an example, so I want to ask you all to think of some ideas to make our school “greener”. Today we are going to make a list of your ideas and see what we can all do together to make school “greener’. So …. Who wants to start?

William: In our school we use lots of paper and sometimes I see people who just throw paper away in the bin. And sometimes they only write on one side. My idea is to have two boxes in each classroom,  one  with paper that we can use again and one with paper to recycle. If we reuse and recycle all the paper in the school, it will help to save trees.
Teacher: Good idea, William. Now, who has got any other ideas? Marie?

Marie: well, I know this isn’t very original, but …  at the end of the day there are always classrooms where all the lights are on and everyone’s gone home. The rooms are empty, but the lights are still on. Teachers always tell us to switch the lights off, but we sometimes forget  or people don’t think it’s so important. So let’s make signs or posters to put on the doors or on the walls and say why it’s important to switch the lights off.  If we put posters up, maybe people won’t forget to do it. If we remember to switch the lights off when we leave the classroom, we’ll save lots of electricity.

Teacher: true. Good point. Make a note- posters on the doors to tell people to switch the lights off.
Yes, Jack?

Jack: and let’s have signs and posters in the toilets too. The thing is, people often forget to turn the tap off after they wash their hands. If you don’t turn the tap off, you will waste a lot of water, especially if it’s the end of break and nobody into the toilet until the next break.

Teacher: yes, you’re right, Jack. Let’s put that idea down too.

Extra pictures for making posters

The posters and boxes made by the students

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