#21 Second Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / National and Historic Heroes / Grade 10-12
Overall Objective: Ss will be able to learn and analyze some historical facts about Georgian Queen Ketevan, identifying main points from her life and causes of death. They will be able to define the main concept of hero generally.
Overall Objective: Ss will be able to learn and analyze some historical facts about Georgian Queen Ketevan, identifying main points from her life and causes of death. They will be able to define the main concept of hero generally.
Objective: Ss will be able to use new
vocabulary, phrasal verbs and some unfamiliar proper names correctly from the
Education Objective: Ss will be able to identify the main features and
qualities of hero, the importance of heroic spirit and deeds for their country
and I hope, they will try to use all the gained knowledge in real life.
Context and Needs: intermediate (B1) level, secondary students
text about Queen Ketevan, posters, proverbs, chart,
Stage of Lesson
Warm Up
Motivating students for the lesson. Creating positive learning atmosphere.
T shows
Ss several photos of historic and modern persons who are considered as heroes
and asks them to make suggestions who they are and what the topic of the
lesson is.
3 min
T gives
Ss slips of papers with different questions about heroes .Ss work in pairs.
They share the ideas to each other and then introduce answer to the class.
Questions: what do you think, who is the hero? Why? Can you name any modern or historic hero?What features make hero a hero? Would you like to be a hero? What should you do to become a hero?
Can a soldier or policemen
be a hero? Why? (6 min)
this phase of lesson Ss also fill mind map on the board with adjectives
characterizing heroes. Ss fill the map by themselves.
6 min
answering the questions and making the collective “portrait” of a hero, the
teacher chooses one of the photos and introduces it to the class. T asks if
they know who she is, if they know something about her life and causes of
death of Queen Ketevan.
T distributes TWL chart. Ss fill it with
necessary information. At the beginning of the lesson Ss fill only first and
the second column of the chart. Ss work individually and then share with a
5 min
T gives
Ss text about Queen Ketevan and asks them to underline key information and
circle new words and phrasal verbs. Ss read text silently and decide which
information is the most important. Ss work individually and after finishing
reading share information with a partner.
10 min
checking understanding of the text teacher writes some questions on the
Who was Great Ketevan?
Who was
Constantine and why was he known as Accused?
What did
he ( Constantine ) do after committing crime ? why?
Was the
time of Queen ketevan’s reign peaceful and nice?
Why did
she go to Shah Abbas’s castle as a hostage?
What was
Shah Abbas’s demand?
Can you describe Queen Ketevan
using these adjectives?
Why did
she become a hero ?
5 min
The evidence how well the students
understood the topic; T collects the texts about Queen Ketevan and
distributes cut slips of paper with information about her. Ss should make a
whole correct story about her in chronological order. Ss work in 2 groups.
5 min
Handout 5
Ss summarize all the information and express
their point of view. Ss finish T W L
chart and introduce it to the class. T shows some proverbs written on the
board and compares it with Ss ideas about the meaning of hero.
5 min
To write
an essay “my favorite hero”.
Self assessment
Lesson went
interesting without any difficulties and hesitations. The topic I’ve choose was
especially interesting for students of secondary level and they were fully
involved in activities. They worked in pairs and groups that developed their
skills of communication and collaboration. I always take into account student interest
and need and try to plan my lesson according to this. I also take into
consideration “gaps” from the former lesson that helps me to make my lesson
plans more student centered and interesting for them. For example during this
lesson I tried to give time to my student to think over the questions and
answer, gave them opportunity to do activities by themselves without my help
and assistance, I tried to give clear instructions and show directions. And
also added some activates such as warm up activity with guessing the topic of
the lesson or finishing the proverbs. I think,
lesson was productive for Ss and I hope in future they will b able to transfer
and use the gained knowledge in real life.
I had a chance to change my lesson I wouldn’t like to change it completely but
some aspects. I would prepare some interesting activities and strategies like
role play or something like this to make lesson more creative and unusual. I also think that creating positive
atmosphere also plays a vital role in achieving final result.

Handout 2
Handout 3
What do you think, who is the hero? Why
do you think so?
you name any modern or historic hero?
features make hero a hero?
you like to be a hero? What should you do to become a hero?
a soldier or policemen be a hero? Why?
Handout 4
Great Martyr Ketevan, queen of Kakhetia, Georgia
13/26 September
13/26 September
Great-martyr Ketevan was of the
royal house of Bagration, and was the great-granddaughter of King Constantine
of Kartli (1469-1505). Having married David, heir to King Alexander II of
Kakhetia (1577-1605), she herself ruled the kingdom. The queen’s profound piety was manifested in
her particular concern for the needs of the Georgian Church, in her building of
churches, orphanages, and hostels. Following her husband’s death, St. Ketevan became a
Her husband’s brother Constantine, known as the
Accursed, adopted Islam, and at the instigation of Shah Abbas I dispatched
assassins to kill his aged father, King Alexander II, and his brother Georgi.
After committing this crime, Constantine ordered that the bodies of the murder
victims be packed on camels and taken to Queen Ketevan. Horrified by the evil
deed, the queen mourned the innocent victims and buried them in the Cathedral
of Alaverdi. The impious one, however, made an attempt to encroach upon her
honorable widowhood and asked for her hand, threatening her with force should
she refuse.
Assembling the people of Kakhetia,
Queen Ketevan took up arms against Constantine, and defeated the impious
apostate. Together with a multitude of Persian warriors, he suffered an
ignominious death. Under the wise rule of Queen Ketevan, peace and justice
settled in Kakhetia. Shah Abbas I returned her son Teimuraz to her. Although
Teimuraz lived for a number of years as a hostage in the Shah’s court, he maintained his Orthodox
faith unsullied. Later, making threats that he could decimate Georgia, Shah
Abbas forced the Kakhetian vassals to give up some important hostages. Queen
Ketevan volunteered to be one of those hostages. Desiring to turn looming
misfortune away from the Georgian people and the Holy Church, she went to
Isfahan. Shah Abbas offered the righteous queen the opportunity to adopt Islam,
but received a firm refusal. Then Queen Ketevan was cast into a dungeon in
which she spent 10 years of suffering and torture. Nothing could shake the
resolve of the one who suffered for Christ’s sake: not the Persian courtiers’ dirty tricks, not the Shah’s sly proposal to make her queen of
the Persian state, not the offers of great treasures, not the appeals and prayers
of the courtiers and important personages of Persia to spare herself by saying
only a single blasphemous word against Christ. They crucified her on a tree,
and tortured her with red-hot pincers. They placed a red-hot iron kettle upon
her head. Thick smoke arose from her burning hair and head, and the Blessed
Martyr gave up her holy soul to God On September 13, 1624.
As a sign of her spiritual victory,
three pillars of light were seen descending upon the body of St. Ketevan. Queen
St. Ketevan’s relics were translated to Rome,
to the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Peter, by monks of the Augustinian Order,
who had witnessed the spiritual struggle of the confessor. Portions of her
relics (the Martyr’s honorable head and right arm) were given by the Augustinian
monks to King Teimuraz I and were placed under the Altar Table in the Cathedral
of Great-martyr George in the Monastery of Alaverdi, Kakhetia.
Catholicos-Patriarch Zachary (1613-1630) declared the Great martyr to be among
the ranks of the Saints, and instituted September 13th as the day of
her commemoration.
Great-martyr Ketevan was of the
royal house of Bagration, and was the great-granddaughter of King Constantine
of Kartli (1469-1505).
Her husband’s brother Constantine, known as the
Accursed, adopted Islam, and at the instigation of Shah Abbas I dispatched
assassins to kill his aged father, King Alexander II, and his brother Georgi.
After committing this crime,
Constantine ordered that the bodies of the murder victims be packed on camels
and taken to Queen Ketevan. Horrified by the evil deed, the queen mourned the
innocent victims and buried them in the Cathedral of Alaverdi.
Assembling the people of Kakhetia,
Queen Ketevan took up arms against Constantine, and defeated the impious
apostate. Together with a multitude of Persian warriors, he suffered an
ignominious death.
Under the wise rule of Queen Ketevan, peace
and justice settled in Kakhetia. Shah Abbas I returned her son Teimuraz to her.
Although Teimuraz lived for a number of years as a hostage in the Shah’s court, he maintained his Orthodox
faith unsullied.
Later, making threats that he could
decimate Georgia, Shah Abbas forced the Kakhetian vassals to give up some
important hostages. Queen Ketevan volunteered to be one of those hostages.
Desiring to turn looming misfortune
away from the Georgian people and the Holy Church, she went to Isfahan. Shah
Abbas offered the righteous queen the opportunity to adopt Islam, but received
a firm refusal. Then Queen Ketevan was cast into a dungeon in which she spent
10 years of suffering and torture.
Nothing could shake the resolve of the one who
suffered for Christ’s sake: not the Persian courtiers’ dirty tricks, not the Shah’s sly proposal to make her queen of the Persian state,
not the offers of great treasures, not the appeals and prayers of the courtiers
and important personages of Persia to spare herself by saying only a single
blasphemous word against Christ.
They crucified her on a tree, and
tortured her with red-hot pincers. They placed a red-hot iron kettle upon her
head. Thick smoke arose from her burning hair and head, and the Blessed Martyr
gave up her holy soul to God On September 13, 1624.
After answering the questions and making the collective “portrait” of a hero, the teacher chooses one of the photos and introduces it to the class. Teacher asks if they know who she is, if they know something about her life and causes of death of Queen Ketevan. I think the best answers will be included into review on MyEssayWriting .