#20 Second Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / National and Historic Heroes / Grade 8
Overall Objective: Students will be able to compare Past Simple and Past Continuous forms, construct the text about a hero containing Past forms, guess the meanings of new vocabulary, learn about Rosa Parks and define why is she in their opinion a hero.
Overall Objective: Students will be able to compare Past Simple and Past Continuous forms, construct the text about a hero containing Past forms, guess the meanings of new vocabulary, learn about Rosa Parks and define why is she in their opinion a hero.
Objective: Students will be able to make comparisons between Past Simple and
Past Continuous forms, construct the text, guess the meanings of new
Education Objective: Students will learn about Rosa Parks and define why is she
in their opinion a hero.
Connection: English curriculum.
Context and Needs : A 2 level. Secondary students. 24 students. No disabled
person, no students with special needs.
Handouts, markers,mini white- boards, papers, pens, chalk,a computer, a
Activities: Slide-show,group
work, reading, matching.
Assessment: Asking
students why is Rosa Parks in their opinion a hero.Writing opinions in groups
on the mini white-boards.
Objective: Students will be able to compare Past Simple and Past Continuous
forms, construct a text about a hero containing past forms, guess the
meanings of new vocabulary, learn about Rosa Parks and define why she is in
their opinion a hero.
Objective: Students will be able to compare Past Simple and Past continuous
forms, construct the text , guess the meanings of new vocabulary
Objective: Students learn about Rosa Parks and define why she is in their opinion
a hero.
Stage of Lesson
Looking at the slideshow containing
pictures about ,, black ,, and
,,white,, people and about Rosa Parks. They write their associations
connected to these pictures on the mini white-boards
the class into 5 groups. Giving instructions. Distributing papers containing
information about Rosa Parks. Each group has to put the paragraphs in the
right order to construct the text. Posting the texts on the board and
makes a ,, T- diagram,, on the board. Reviewing differences between Past
Simple and Past Continuous.
handouts about Rosa Parks. Giving instructions. Students should identify and
highlight the Past Simple forms in the text using green markers and the Past Continuous forms using pink markers
in groups. Teacher makes a “T- diagram” on the board. Students draw the
similar diagram in groups and fill in with the examples from the text. One
person from each group makes a presentation. Checking. Giving feedback.
new vocabulary and their definitions in groups. Students have to match new words with their definitions.
Teacher posts the right definitions on the board. Self- checking.
students why is Rosa Parks in their opinion a hero. Group number 1, 3 and 5
have to make a sentence using Past
Simple and define why is Rosa Parks in their opinion a hero. Group
number 2 and 4 have to make similar
sentences using Past Continuous.
It all started on a bus
Rosa Parks, 42, was on her way home from her job in a
department store in Montgomery, Alabama, USA on 1st December 1955.
At 6 pm she got on a bus for Cleveland Avenue, paid her fare, and sat down in
the first row of ,,black,, seats.
In Alabama, as in most states in the USA at that time, there
were laws to keep white and black people separate. For example, they could not
eat in the same restaurants, sit in the same railway carriage or play pool
together. White and black man could not even use the same toilets. And on the
buses in Montgomery, the front four rows
of seats were for whites and the seats behind them were for blacks.
After the third stop, all
the ,, white,, seats on the Cleveland Avenue bus were full and a white
man was standing. The bus driver told
Rosa and three other black people
to stand up. The others were doing what
the driver told. Rosa was moving…But only to the window seat in the same row.
The bus driver asked if she was going to stand up. Rosa said, ,,No,,. And he said, Well, I am
going to call the police. She said,
,,You can do that,,
The police arrested Rosa Parks . As a result of her arrest
black people refused to use buses in Montgomery for 381 days. The boycott ended
when the US Supreme court decided that it was illegal to separate whites and
blacks on buses.
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