Thursday, November 19, 2015

#16 Second Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / Heroes / Grade 7-8

#16 Second Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / Heroes / Grade 7-8

Overall Objective: Students will learn Georgian Historic Hero

Language Objective: Studens will learn new vocabulary words,revise past simple and adjectives,practice WH-questions

Civic Education Objective: Students will speak about Georgian Historic Hero

Curriculum Connection: Grade 7/8

Class Context and Needs: Classroom

Materials: Board,chalk.pens,white boards and markers,computer and projector.

Activities: Students will read the text about David Builder,find the key words and write them on the white boards.They will match the sentences to each other. Underline the verbs in the past simple in this text and write the adjectives on the board. Fill in the gaps with WH-questions.

Assessment: They will be able to describe Georgian historic hero

Overall Objective:Students will be able to describe David Builder

Language Objective:Students will lern new words and practice grammar skills

Civic Objective:They will speak about Georgian historic hero

Stage of Lesson
Warm Up

Teacher shows the students the picture of David Builder by computer with zooming and they should guess what picture it will be and then gives them the questins in general what they know about David Builder.
Activity 1

Teacher divides them in two groups and gives them the texts about David Builder and new vocabulary words with their English explanations
Activity 2

They read the texts individually and then they share with group and write down the key words on the white boards
Activity 3

Teacher gives them halves of sentences and stick them on the forehead and they find their partner and match the sentences
Activity 4

Students read the text again and underline the verbs in the past simple
Activity 5

These two groups find the adjectives and write them on the board.The winner will be who can find more adjectives and write them on the board
Activity 6

Teacher asks the questions about David Builder by using WH-questions and then fill in the gaps with How,when,why,what,how old.
Students speak about Georgian historic hero

       David The Builder

The greatest king of Georgia David Builder was born in 1073.He became the king of Georgia 1089 when he was 16 years old.When he became the king .he immediately made an army with strong and courageous soldiers.He was brave,clever and fearless king.He won all his battles.In the battle of Didgori in August 1121 he and his army defeated Muslim rulers.In 1122 he came back to Tbilisi and transferred his capital there from Kutaisi.He made Georgia apowerful country.He built many churches,bridges and castles.He respected all his people.He was a kind and honest person.People loved him very much.They were very thankful to him and that’s why he was named “the Builder” after he died.He was a well-educated person.He founded an academy at Gelati.

New words with their English explanations

Courageous-showing courage,to be brave.

Fearless-when someone is not afraid at all.

Defeat-when you win a victory over them in a battle,game.

Transfer-to move from one place to another.

Powerful-having a power,strong effect on your mind or body.

Respect-to have a good opinion of their character or ideas.

Honest-to tell the complete truth.

Match the halves of sentenses to each other

1.He became the king\ when he was 16 years old.

2.They wre very thankful to him\ and that’s why he was named\ “the Builder” after he died.

3.In the battle of Didgori\ he and his army defeated Muslim rulers.

         Fill in the gaps with WH-questions

           When? How old? What? How many? Why? How?

1………….was David born?
2…………..was David when he became the king?
3………..kind of king was he?
4……………battles did he win?
5……………..was he named Builder?
6…………..did David treat people?

Evaluate this material

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