Wednesday, May 11, 2016

#17 Fourth Competition for Teacher Generated Materials / Georgian and Japanese clothes / Grade 5

Overall Objective: The students will write the words connected with Georgian and Japanese clothes. They will compare the given National clothes using the Venn diagram.

Language Objective: The students will use specific words describing clothes: Chokha,Kimono,Japanese,traditional,festive…

Civic Education Objective: The students will learn more about Georgian and Japanese traditional clothes.

Curriculum Connection:

Class Context and Needs:

Materials: handouts, pens, board, pictures



Overall Objective: The students will write the words connected with Georgian and Japanese clothes. They will compare the given National clothes using the Venn diagram.

Language Objective: The students will use specific words describing clothes: Chokha,kimono,Japanese,traditional…

Civic Education Objective: The students will learn more about Georgian and Japanese traditional clothes.
Stage of Lesson
Warm Up

Students will name and write the words connected with the given pictures on the board.
3-5 min
Activity 1

The teacher distributes the texts about Georgian and Japanese National clothes and asks the ss to read the texts very carefully.
10 min
Activity 2

Ss will be divided into three groups. Each group will find the correct half of the sentence from the texts and connect them. They will come and write them on the board.
10 min
Activity 3

The teacher writes the new words from the texts on the board and asks the ss to make up the sentences.
10 min
Activity 4

The teacher asks the ss to compare Georgian and Japanese clothing, they will use the Venn diagram and find similarities and differences.  The Venn diagram will show the following characteristics:
  1. At what events were traditional
         clothes are worn?
  1. Did men and women wear this style of dress?

5 min
Activity 5

The teacher asks the ss to sort the words connected to the traditional clothes and stick them on the pictures.
5 min
Activity 6

Culminating writing activity:  Ask students to write two sentences.  First sentence:   The Chokha and Kimono are similar because….
Second sentence:  The Chokha and Kimono are different because…..   


Georgian National clothes

Chokha,the traditional dress of Georgia remained the emblem of the country’s
pride for a thousand year. Still the Georgians have the customs to wear their
traditional Chokha dress in the wedding ,festive occasions.
The traditional dress-Chokha was used by the Georgians from 9th century
until 1920s.
The Chokha outfit includes a sword,the akhalukhi( a shirt worn underneath the
Chokha), the masrebi(the bullets), and the kabalakhi( a hood ,separate from the robe), or nabdis kudi( a tall fur hat).


remain=stay- დარჩენა         festive-სადღესასწაულო
pride-სიამაყე                       occasion=event-მოვლენა,შემთხვევა
customs-ჩვეულებები         century-საუკუნე
wedding- ქორწილი            includes-მოიცავს

Japanese National clothes

There are typically two types of clothing that the Japanese wear: the
Japanese clothing (wafuku),such as Kimonos and Western clothing(yofuku).
The traditional ethnic garments of Japan are still in use,they are mainly
worn for ceremonies and special events,funerals and festivals.
And still the Kimono lives in Japanese culture.


garment=clothes                  Japanese-იაპონური
wear-wore-worn                 ethnic-ეთნიკური
mainly-ძირითადად          funeral-დაკრძალვა

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