Thursday, March 26, 2015

#16: Competition for Teacher Generated Materials: Heroes / Grade 4

Class context and needs: Elementary classroom.  
Materials:   posters, presentation, worksheets,

Activities:    Warm up, eliciting  vocabulary, discussion, short writing.

Overall Objectives: Students will learn new adjectives connected with the hero.
Language Objectives: Students will be able to write sentences describing their hero using present simple and vocabulary such as brave, fast, fearless and etc.
Civic Education Objective:  Students will list the characteristics of a hero.

Stage of the Lesson
Warm Up

Activity 1
Teacher speaks about who is a hero and ask students  which heroes do they know

Teacher shows a chart and asks them to list the adjectives that they know about hero

3 minutes

5 minutes
Activity 2
Teacher shows posters of heroes with new words and explains their meanings, students do matching activity.

10 minutes
Activity 3
Teacher gives students posters (in group) with one hero and asks them to write at least 4 sentences describing a hero

Teacher herself takes one poster and models how to do this activity.

10  minutes
Activity 4
Teacher gives students worksheets  and ask if they agree or disagree the following statements and then students have to write a short writing          
 ‘’ a hero is someone who ….”

7 minutes
Activity 5
Students read a short story  about Georgian tale’s hero ‘’  Komble”  and make true/false activity

10  minutes


       Once upon the time there lived a man called Komble. His name was Komble because he liked making crooks and crook in Georgian means “Komble”. He had two sheep.
One day Komble’s sheep went to the fields and they met a fox. The fox asked:
-         Hello sheep, who is your patron?
-         Komble is our patron.
-         What kind of man is Komble?
-         Komble likes making crooks and if someone eats us, he will hit them with his crook.
-         Oh, I am afraid of your Komble! – said the fox and run away.
The sheep went on their way to the house. They met a wolf. The wolf asked:
-         Hello sheep, who is your patron?
-         Komble is our patron.
-         What kind of man is Komble?
-         Komble likes making crooks and if someone eats us, he will hit them with his crook.
-         I am not afraid of your Komble! – said the wolf and swallowed both of them.
In the evening the sheep did not come home. Komble took one of his crooks and went along the road to find his sheep. He met the fox and asked:
-         Hey fox, have not you seen my sheep?
-         No, I haven’t.
-         Can you green your teeth?
-         The fox greened its’ teeth, but there was no meat.

Komble went on and he met the wolf. Komble asked the wolf too:
-         Hey wolf, have not you seen my sheep?
-         No, I haven’t.
-         Can you green your teeth?
The wolf greened its’ teeth and there was some meet.
 Komble punched the wolf with his crook and killed the wolf. Then Komble cut wolf’s stomach and rescued his sheep. Happy sheep and their patron get back to home.

 1. Komble  was  not  smart.                                   True                     False
2.  Sheep’s patron was  brave.                                 True                     False
3. The fox ate the sheep                                          True                     False  
4. The wolf swallowed the sheep.                          True                     False  
5. Komble was  fearless and killed the wolf.          True                    False